Prevalence of Clinical and Subclinical Myocarditis in Competitive Athletes With Recent SARS-CoV-2 Infection
Results From the Big Ten COVID-19 Cardiac Registry
Curt J. Daniels, MD; Saurabh Rajpal, MBBS, MD; Joel T. Greenshields, MS; et al
JAMA Cardiology
SARS-CoV-2 Transmission Risk Among National Basketball Association Players, Staff, and Vendors Exposed to Individuals With Positive Test Results After COVID-19 Recovery During the 2020 Regular and Postseason
Christina D. Mack, PhD, MSPH; John DiFiori, MD; Caroline G. Tai, PhD; Kristin Y. Shiue, MPH; Yonatan H. Grad, MD; Deverick J. Anderson, MD; David D. Ho, MD; Leroy Sims, MD; Christopher LeMay, DO; Jimmie Mancell, MD; Lisa L Maragakis, MD, MPH
JAMA Internal Medicine
SARS-CoV-2 Cardiac Involvement in Young Competitive Athletes
Nathaniel Moulson, MD; Bradley J. Petek, MD, Jonathan A. Drezner, MD; Kimberly G. Harmon, MD; Stephanie A. Kliethermes, PhD; Manesh R. Patel, MD; Aaron L. Baggish, MD; for the ORCCA Investigators
AHA Journals
Potential Effects of Coronaviruses on the Cardiovascular System
Mohammad Madjid, MD, MS; PayamSafavi-Naeini, MD; Scott D. Solomon, MD; Orly Vardeny, PharmD
JAMA Cardiology – Review
Prevalence of Inflammatory Heart Disease Among Professional Athletes With Prior COVID-19 Infection Who Received Systematic Return-to-Play Cardiac Screening
Matthew W. Martinez, MD; Andrew M. Tucker, MD; O. Josh Bloom, MD, MPH; Gary Green, MD; John P. DiFiori, MD; Gary Solomon, PhD; Dermot Phelan, MD, PhD; Jonathan H. Kim, MD, MSc; Willem Meeuwisse, MD, PhD; Allen K. Sills, MD; Dana Rowe, BA; Isaac I. Bogoch, MD; Paul T. Smith, MD; Aaron L. Baggish, MD; Margot Putukian, MD; David J. Engel, MD
JAMA Published online March 4, 2021
World Health Organization – Regional Office for Europe
Support for Rehabilitation Self-Management after COVID-19-Related Illness
Necessity of 2 Doses of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines
Edward H. Livingston, MD
JAMA Published Online February 3, 2021
Evaluation for Myocarditis in Competitive Student Athletes Recovering From Coronavirus Disease 2019 With Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Jitka Starekova, MD; David A. Bluemke, MD, PhD; William S. Bradham, MD, PhD; Lee L. Eckhardt, MD; Thomas M. Grist, MD; Joanna E. Kusmirek, MD; Christopher S. Purtell, MD; Mark L. Schiebler, MD; Scott B. Reeder, MD, PhD
JAMA Published Online January 14, 2021
Returning to physical activity after covid-19
David Salman; Dane Vishnubala; Peter Le Feuvre; Thomas Beaney; Jonathan Korgaonkar; Azeem Majeed; Alison H McGregor
BMJ Published Online January 8, 2021
BASEM – British Association of Sport & Exercise Medicine, 2020
Interassociation consensus recommendations for pitch-side emergency care and personal protective equipment
for elite sport during the COVID-19 pandemic
Lisa Hodgson; Gemma Phillips; Jonathan Gordon; Jonathan Hanson; John Maclean;
Br J Sports Published online December 24, 2020
Repeat testing for SARS-COV-2: Persistence of viral RNA is common, and clearance is slower in older age groups
Paulina Stehlik. B. Pharm (Hons), Grad Cert Pharm Prac, Grad Cert Data Sci, PhD, MPSA.
medRxiv Published online November 30, 2020
COVID-19 RT-PCR Testing for Elite Athletes – Recommendations for elite sport
Rankin; Massey; Falvey; Ellenbecker; Harcourt; Murray; Kinane; Niesters; Jones; Martin; Roshon; McLarnon; Calder; Izquierdo; Pluim; Elliot; Heron
British Medical Journal Published online November 28, 2020
Does pulmonary embolism in critically ill COVID-19 patients worsen the in-hospital mortality: A meta-analysis
TanveerMiraHassan BinAttiquebYasarSattarcNeelambujRegmidMuhammad ShayanKhaneHarisYounsaBasharatQayoomfMichael T.JergerdM. ChadiAlraiesg Published online November 25, 2020
Antibodies, Immunity, and COVID-19
Brad Spellberg, MD; Travis B. Nielsen, PhD; Arturo Casadevall, MD, PhD
JAMA Internal Medicine Published online November 24, 2020
Return-to-Play Guidelines for Athletes
After COVID-19 Infection
Diana Santos-Ferreira, MD
JAMA Cardiology Published online November 4, 2020
TEAM to Defeat COVID-19
Diana Santos-Ferreira, MD; Rita Tomás, MD; Hélder Dores, MD, PhD
The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine Published online September, 2020
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Findings in Competitive Athletes Recovering From COVID-19 Infection
Saurabh Rajpal, MD; Dr Rajpal; Daniels; Rajpal; Tong; Borchers; Obarski; Simonetti; Zareba
JAMA Cardiology Published online September 11, 2020
Cardiorespiratory considerations for return-to-play in elite athletes after COVID-19 infection: a practical
guide for sport and exercise medicine physicians
Mathew G Wilson, James H Hull, John Rogers, Noel Pollock, Miranda Dodd, Jemma Haines, Sally Harris, Mike Loosemore, Aneil Malhotra, Guido Pieles, Anand Shah, Lesley Taylor, Aashish Vyas, Fares S Haddad, Sanjay Sharma
JAMA Cardiology Published online September 2, 2020
Outcomes of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients Recently Recovered From Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Valentina O. Puntmann, MD, PhD; M. Ludovica Carerj, MD; Imke Wieters, MD; Masia Fahim; Christophe Arendt, MD; Jedrzej Hoffmann, MD; Anastasia Shchendrygina, MD, PhD; Felicitas Escher, MD; Mariuca Vasa-Nicotera, MD; Andreas M. Zeiher, MD; Maria Vehreschild, MD; Eike Nagel, MD
JAMA Cardiology Published online July 27, 2020
Pathophysiology, Transmission, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
W. Joost Wiersinga, MD, PhD; Andrew Rhodes, MD, PhD; Allen C. Cheng, MD, PhD; Sharon J. Peacock, PhD; Hallie C. Prescott, MD, MSc
JAMA Published online July 10, 2020
Considerations for Return to Exercise Following Mild-to-Moderate COVID-19 in the Recreational Athlete
Jordan D. Metzl, MD; Kathryn McElheny, MD; James N. Robinson, MD; Daphne A. Scott, MD; Karen M. Sutton, MD; Brett G. Toresdahl, MD
HSSJ Published online July 9, 2020
Effects of home confinement due to COVID-19 pandemic on eccentric hamstring muscle strength in football players
Victor Moreno-Pérez; Juan Del Coso; Daniel Romero-Rodríguez; Luis Marcé-Hernández; Marcelo Peñaranda; Marc Madruga-Parera
WILEY Published online July 7, 2020
COVID-19: Medical Considerations for a Return to Footballing Activity
FIFA Published online June, 2020
Return to football training and competition after lockdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic: medical recommendations
Gian Nicola Bisciotti; Cristiano Eirale; Alessandro Corsini; Christophe Baudot; Gerard Saillant; Hakim Chalabi
Biology of Sport Published online June 25, 2020
Infographic. COFIT-19: let’s get moving through the COVID-19 pandemic!
Jane Fitzpatrick; Adam Castricum; Hugh Seward; Louise Tulloh; Elizabeth Dawson
Br J Sports Med Published online June 19, 2020
Resurgence of sport in the wake of
COVID-19: cardiac considerations in
competitive athletes
Aaron Baggish, Jonathan A Drezner, Jonathan Kim, Matthew Martinez, Jordan M Prutkin
Br J Sports Med Published online June 19, 2020
Constructing a framework for Return to Sport in elite football (PhD Academy Award)
Matt Taberner
Br J Sports Med Published online June 1, 2020
Return to work guidelines for the COVID-19 pandemic
Juan Carlos Rueda-Garrido; Mª Teofila Vicente-Herrero; Mª Teresa del Campo; Luis Reinoso-Barbero; Rafael E de la Hoz; George L Delclos; Stefanos N Kales; Alejandro Fernandez-Montero
Occupational Medicine Published online June 1, 2020
The Stanford Hall consensus statement for post-COVID- 19 rehabilitation
Robert M Barker-Davies; Oliver O’Sullivan; Kahawalage Pumi Prathima Senaratne; Polly Baker; Mark Cranley; Shreshth Dharm-Datta; Henrietta Ellis; Duncan Goodall; Michael Gough; Sarah Lewis; Jonathan Norman; Theodora Papadopoulou; David Roscoe; Daniel Sherwood; Philippa Turner; Tammy Walker; Alan Mistlin; Rhodri Phillip; Alastair M Nicol;Alexander N Bennett;Sardar Bahadur
Br J Sports Med Published online May 31, 2020
A Game Plan for the Resumption of Sport and Exercise After Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Infection
Dr Phelan; Dr Kim
JAMA Cardiology Published online May 13, 2020
Exercise in the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) era:
Raghav T Bhatia; Sarandeep Marwaha; Aneil Malhotra; Zafar Iqbal; Christopher Hughes; Mats B€orjesson; Josef Niebauer; Antonio Pelliccia; Christian Schmied; Luis Serratosa; Michael Papadakis; and Sanjay Sharma
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology Published online May 10, 2020
Return to play after COVID-19: a sport cardiologist’s view
Helder Dores, Nuno Cardim
JAMA Cardiology Published online May 7, 2020
Interpreting Diagnostic Tests for SARS-CoV-2
Nandini Sethuraman, MD; Sundararaj Stanleyraj Jeremiah, MD; Akihide Ryo, MD, PhD
JAMA Published online May 7, 2020
Physiotherapy management for COVID-19 in the acute hospital setting: clinical practice recommendations
Peter Thomas;, Claire Baldwin; Bernie Bissett; Ianthe Boden; Rik Gosselink; Catherine L Granger; Carol Hodgson; Alice YM Jones; Michelle E Kho; Rachael Moses; George Ntoumenopoulos; Selina M Parry; Shane Patman; Lisa van der Lee
Journal of PHYSIOTHERAPY Published online April, 2020
Athletes as community; athletes in community: COVID-19, sporting mega-events and athlete health protection
Robert H Mann; Bryan C Clift; Jules Boykoff; Sheree Bekker